We are an agile and smart company. At Scantinel Photonics you will contribute to the development of the key optical sensor technology enabling full-autonomous vehicles in the future. You will work in a very dynamic market environment and in close co-operation with several international technology partners with leading industry expertise in their fields. And with Zeiss and Scania, we are supported by global industry leaders.
Shape the future of the mobile world
We are a company, driven by people and leveraged by our teams of experts from diverse functional and cultural backgrounds. We believe our values are the best business strategy to incubate innovation and knowledge.
Scientific Excellence
You want to help shape the future of global mobility?
Then join us: Apply directly to one of our job offers or simply take the initiative. Get in touch with us:
Electronics & Hardware
Custom Field Keys for 'personioposition' post type: pi_schema_disabled pi_og_title pi_og_description pi_og_image application_limit rank_math_internal_links_processed personioId personioCreatedAt personio_integration_position_title_en personio_integration_position_content_en personio_integration_position_content_en_1 personio_integration_position_content_en_2 personio_integration_position_content_en_split availability _edit_lock application_count _wp_old_date pi_oembed_disabled pi_dc_title pi_tw_title pi_tw_description pi_tw_image personio_integration_position_content_en_0
If you want to help shape the future of the mobile world, then apply with us: Apply directly to one of our job advertisements or simply take the initiative.